One of the most frequent questions I have received in the last 12 months has been “How’s business?” And every time I have been lucky enough to say “Absolutely wonderful.”  I have had to pinch myself a lot because I can’t believe the success we’ve had this year is real-life.

As a business owner, it is easy to get lost in the details and forget to take a step back and look at all of the progress that has been made. We constantly feel like we have to keep our heads down, working as hard as we possibly can, to simply keep the momentum going. And yet, if our noses are always buried in the content we are creating, or the widgets we are making, don’t we miss out on the beauty of the process and experience as a business owner?

For our last blog post of the year, I want to take a moment and reflect on all of the wonderful changes and accomplishments we have had at RDS this year. First and foremost, however, I want to thank each of you who is reading this. Thank you for supporting us -whether you are a client (you keep us in business and keep us inspired), a cheerleader (you keep us going on the rough days), or a quiet reader of our blogs (you are the reason we create this content!). Each one of you has made a positive difference on RDS - whether you know it or not. We hope that we can continue to serve you in 2016!


Our most popular blog posts for 2015!


We couldn’t have had this much success without you. We are humbled by the continued support of the communities we work in and the clients who choose us to help them with their marketing and content creation needs. We are really looking forward to ringing in 2016 and making it an even better year than 2015 (is that possible?!) We hope that you have a wonderful holiday season and that you get to unplug a bit!

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