Email marketing and social media planning


Email marketing and social media have been a focus of our project work lately, so today we have created a round-up of interesting articles for you to read. So many business owners are faced with the feeling that they have  to be on social media and they need to be sending out emails. Instead of being deliberate and planning things out, they often post or email haphazardly. Not necessarily a recipe for success.

These articles offer unique and relevant tips that you can start implementing today! Enjoy!


13 Email Marketing Hacks That Can Help Double Your Response Rates

There is no question that email is alive and well. The question is, are you being strategic with your email marketing and getting the responses you are hoping for? These 13 tips are relevant and actionable. Implement them into your email marketing practices now and see your readership engagement improve!

5 Tips to Boost your Email Marketing Efforts

These tips are not like the ones you will usually read about email marketing. Challenge yourself to get creative and specific with your email marketing. After all, you want results, don’t you? I am definitely going to brainstorm how to specifically reward my best subscribers and also start using a postscript for my call to action.

Why Being Human on Social Media is the Best Strategy You’ll Ever Have

Trying to figure out the ever-confusing role of social media in your business's online presence? This article stresses how important it is to "get human." My favorite quote from this article is, "Be real, build a community you care about and then serve this audience to the best of your ability. It's as simple as that." So... What are you doing to be real? I m going to try and share more candid posts and inform readers about events going on in the community.

5 Hacks that Will Make You a Better Facebook Admin
One of the most popular things clients ask me about is how to make their Facebook page work for them. This article has a handful of very helpful tricks to not only improve your page but to also get the real scoop on what is happening with your posts. The most useful hack for me is how to discover the real engagement of my status updates.

So tell us, which article was your favorite? What tips are you going to try first? If you need help strategizing your socials, let's talk!

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Photo Credit: Galymzhan Abdugalimov